Be Careful When Hiring a Credit Repair Company

Why do I need to be careful when hiring a credit repair company? The credit repair industry is vastly misunderstood. Many people (including attorneys) realize that most people don’t understand how the process works, and as a result, have decided to take advantage of those people who need help. Often times when hiring a credit …

The Heartbleed Bug and Preventing Bad Credit

What is the “Heartbleed Bug” and is it having an effect on my credit? The “Heartbleed Bug” is a man-made computer virus. The virus infiltrates website security systems and steals personal and private information of those who have accounts with those websites. This information ranges from your password, to your address, to your credit card …

Bankruptcy and Your Credit Score: Part Two

Note: This is part two of Bankruptcy and Your Credit Score: What You Need to Know How can I rebuild my credit after bankruptcy? Okay, so you have filed your bankruptcy, followed the court process and received your discharge. But, now what do you do? The purpose of filing bankruptcy, which is even described in …

Bankruptcy and Your Credit Score: What You Need to Know

If you are considering bankruptcy, you may be wondering what effect a bankruptcy filing will have on your credit score. Will a bankruptcy filing ruin your credit forever? Is it possible to recover? How long will it take to rebuild my credit after bankruptcy? What is credit anyway? To understand how a bankruptcy will affect …

LLC vs. Corporation. – “Fall Business Fashion: Out with the Corporation, in with the LLC!!!”

“Fall Business Fashion: Out with the Corporation, in with the LLC!!!” Why Small Business Owners Constantly Choose The Wrong Legal Entity By: Matthew C. Hagerty What seems to be a common theme in my office is the presence of small business owners and recent entrepreneurs in disarray.  The ever-trying individual, entrepreneurs routinely pour their heart and …

What is the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy in common terms?

Why different chapters? The bankruptcy code contains various sections and provisions which delineate the different chapters of bankruptcy. “Chapter” merely refers to the kind of bankruptcy and the specific rules that apply. Why are there different chapters? The simple answer is because there are many different circumstances of individuals who file for bankruptcy. Some debtors …

What Is The Best Thing To Do If I Get Pulled Over And Have Been Drinking?

First, you should never put yourself or anyone else at risk by drinking and driving. However, if you do find yourself in this situation and you see the red and blue lights behind you, put your blinker on, and do your best calmly pull over without jerking the wheel one way or the other. Turn …

How Long Does It Take To Get Divorced If My Spouse And I Agree On The Terms Of The Divorce?

There are two ways to obtain a divorce in Nevada: Complaint for divorce Joint Petition for divorce A Complaint for a Divorce is the method used when the spouses do not agree on all issues. On the other hand, a Joint Petition for Divorce is the method used when the spouses agree on all issues. …